
Showing posts from October, 2019

Part two of The Separation of Church and State

The open air and circuit riding preachers following in the tradition of Whitfield and Wesley were new lights. This was not the only difference. The new lights also were a work in progress much like the colonial governments of that time. The intersection of church and government was a conflict that created a diversity of church experiences. These differences spurred the creation of many Protestant denominations. The conflicts were based upon Calvinism versus Arminianism, the place of the sacraments in the Christian Faith, and the individual revelation of believers versus the theologically schooled ministers who had gained degrees. Jonathan Edwards was also a new light that led a revival at Princeton University as a student. But, he also preached in church pulpits, and was removed from a Presbyterian Old Light church. At the end of his life he became president of Princeton University. He was one of the few crossover preachers who went from open air to pulpit reformer. The desire for ...

The Separation of Church and State

U.S. history is filled with misconceptions about the role of the church and government. I first became interested on this topic while teaching AP US history (APUSH) to 9th grade students in a gifted program in Pennsylvania.  This is a work in progress, and I will ask friends to help me along the way. I am completing research from the following sources that I will draw from to create these posts. The Aeneid, Virgil (Is there a parallel between ancient and modern church history?)  City of God, Augustine (Ancient politics and church government)  America's History, Henretta  (my textbook in APUSH)  Jargal a novel Victor Hugo  (The myth of the noble savage)  God Bless America, Dean C. Coddington (Traditional views)  A Religious History of the American People, By Sydney E.Ahlstrom, (A criticism of traditional views) Religious Affections, Jonathon Edwards (First Great Awakening)  John Wesley, Albert C. Outer (First Great Awake...