The Fourth Great Awakening and The Jesus People Movement in US HIstory
It is a bit uncomfortable to write about a historic time that I have lived through. The Jesus People Movement might one day be called the Fourth Great Awakening. I still remember the day I was at my uncle's house and saw the cover of Time Magazine. It said "Is God is dead?" It was April of 1966, and the scientific method was moving the United States into an ever increasing secular society and the bible was becoming demythologized. Many people took offense at that cover. It was the first time a magazine cover included only text with no images. I was 11 years old at the time and attending Catholic school in the 6th grade. I gazed at the magazine and tried to understand what that cover was trying to say. Surely God was not dead. I still went to church every Sunday, and was an altar boy. The priests and nuns were all still there. What do they mean, "Is God Dead"? Seminaries at the time were exploring the demythologization of the Bible. Rudolph Boltman introduce...